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Transforming passion, education, and goals into wildly successful careers that makes learners come alive.

The Concerning

For decades, students lacked the proper guidance and resources to further their education, resulting in those who missed the opportunity to create a career for themselves.


of high school (or equivalent) graduates do not further their postsecondary study.


unemployment rate of college graduates in 2022.

Our Impact


students enrolled

to college



students received college scholarship awards



secured jobs after college graduation

Our Mission

Choosing a career path that aligns with our passions can be daunting. Every student feels the challenge and hesitation to take the Next Steps to apply for college or an internship to shake up their career.


Our mission is to transform passion, value, education, and goals into wildly successful careers where work is actually play. With Your Next Steps, we help visualize a purpose-filled career path through mentoring and coaching.

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Howard Thurman

"Don't worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

-- Howard Thurman

We connect students to industry professionals

Our Advisory Champions program gives students the opportunity to explore and ask experienced industry representatives to add in on their knowledge for a potential future. Meet some of our Champions.

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Affiliated with

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Our Process

Our Board of Advisors with the support of our Champions are fully-resourced to provide guidance, an inclusive discussion, and a consultation process to help students get started in their purpose-filled career path. ​


Our process is made easy for every student to apply for college, internships, and full-time jobs without the added layer of complexity and stress. We offer a straight forward step-by-step approach to Your Next Steps of a passion-driven career.

Meet some of our Mentees

Our passion for guiding youth to a self-defined career has connected us to many young people with strong drives and dreams. 

These are their stories

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Vaibhav Kalluri

"Dr. Smith has been paramount in helping guide me in my shift from pre-health to a career in technology. He has not only taken his personal time to be a great mentor but throughout the process he has instilled confidence in me to pursue my true interests and passions. "

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